
No Fable 2 for PC

As the original Fable was released on PC, and Fable III is set for a PC release tomorrow, there’s been a lot of chatter about the possibility of a PC version of Fable II, which was an Xbox 360 exclusive.

Unfortunately for PC players, developers Lionhead seem to have crushed any hopes.

Why? Senior designer Mike West has been explaining.

“With Fable III the team and time was right to create a PC version,” he told BeefJack. “Once the game went to submission the content creators started working on DLC and therefore the coders were free to start on the PC version.

“Unfortunately for Fable II fans, those same coders are already working on new projects and going back to a Fable II conversion isn’t a priority I’m afraid.”

There’s no word on what these “new projects” might be. We tried to dig into what’s next for Lionhead and the Fable franchise, but were met with a firm shake of the head from the company’s PR team.

It’s become something of a running gag that Microsoft’s Xbox 360 developer tools include a big red button marked “Make PC Port”. If there’s even a sliver of truth to it, then Lionhead Studios have wisely refused the easy route with the PC version of Fable III. This latest iteration has been comprehensively overhauled since its outing on console, and what remains is every inch a PC game.